62003 DirectSound Failed - Windows low memory condition. %1
62004 File not found. Insert correct floppy into drive.
62005 foot
62006 tracked
62007 two-wheel drive
62008 walker
62009 hover
62010 flight
62011 all-wheel drive
62012 marine
62013 submarine
62014 teleport
62015 none
62017 Clear all units?
62018 Game Paused
62019 DirectPlay failed. %s
62020 Clear all players?
62021 Clear all terrain?
62022 DirectPlay: Failed to destroy player %1.
62023 DirectPlay: Failed to create lobby.
62024 DirectPlay: Failed to release lobby.
62025 DirectPlay: Failure in Lobby.
62026 DirectPlay: Failed to set connection in lobby.
62027 DirectPlay: Failed to connect to lobby.
62028 DirectPlay: Failed to create player.
62029 DirectPlay: Lobby release failure.
62030 Player
62031 joining game
62032 has left game
62033 Host has migrated to this machine.
62034 DirectPlay session lost. Setting all other players to AI.
62035 DirectPlay: You are rejected from game!
62036 DirectPlay: Failure to retrans specific msg.
62037 DirectPlay: Message list full on recieve!
62038 DirectPlay: Trying to send too many messages in a single turn.
62039 DirectPlay: Message list overrun on send.
62040 Sync problems with player
62041 Turn
62042 Kick player?
62043 Sync problem on turn
62044 Quit game?
62045 Need a chassis.
62046 structure:
62047 power:
62048 capacity:
62049 mass:
62050 movement:
62051 sight:
62052 armor:
62053 total cost:
62054 chassis
62055 weapon
62056 equipment
62057 credits
62058 Need a warrior.
62059 health:
62060 warrior
62061 No room in temp directory.
62062 baud
62063 port
62064 Ph.#
62065 Players
62066 Version
62067 Connecting to game...
62068 game
62069 Booster
62070 loading
62071 Complete
62072 Empty
62073 Game Not Found
62075 is now an enemy.
62076 is now an ally.
62077 Normal
62078 Hold
62079 Scout
62080 React
62081 Patrol
62082 Quit Battlefield Editor?
62083 Quick Save Game?
62084 Load Game?
62085 Restart Game Not Found.
62086 Transfered to new HQ.
62087 vehicles
62088 warriors
62089 HQ lost!
62090 Building lost!
62091 HQ destroyed.
62092 Building destroyed.
62093 Structure under attack!
62094 Warrior cannot enter damaged building.
62095 Warrior cannot enter occupied building.
62096 Warrior cannot enter enemy HQ.
62097 credits acquired.
62098 Building captured.
62099 Enforcer HQ\nThis armored HQ has room for up to four warriors.
62100 Biker HQ\nThis biker hangout has room for up to six bikers or two vehicles.
62101 Death Cult HQ\nThis building has room for up to six cultists.
62102 Supply Depot\nThis building can reload and recharge up to four vehicles or warriors at a time.
62103 Hunting Cabin\nThis log building has room for six warriors.\nPlenty of ammo is always on hand.
62104 Field Hospital\nThis field hospital can heal up to three warriors at a time.
62105 Concrete Bunker\nThis sturdy building has room for six warriors.
62106 Sensor Array\nThis building has a powerful array of sensors and radar. Sensors can be blocked by terrain.
62107 Mine [%d]\nThis building is a mine which extracts valuable minerals from the earth. Eventually the area is tapped out, rendering the mine useless.
62108 Cannot load necessary file: %1.\nMake sure the CDROM is loaded.
62109 MCI: MCI_PLAY failed.
62110 MCI: MCI_SET failed.
62111 >options
62112 >buy
62113 >talk
62114 >commands
62115 ^normal
62116 ^patrol
62117 ^hold
62118 ^scout
62119 ^react
62120 >menu
62121 ^restart
62122 >load
62123 @quit
62124 >briefing
62125 >save
62126 ^vehicle
62127 ^warrior
62128 ^building
62129 ^all
62130 ^enemies
62131 ^allies
62132 @abort
62133 off
62134 human
62135 ai
62136 Rookie
62137 Warrior
62138 Tough
62139 Nasty
62140 Fearsum
62141 Inspired
62142 Thunderous
62143 Master
62144 Lord
62145 Unbelievable
62146 Structure Detected
62147 >new
62148 @exit
62149 >open
62150 >unit
62151 >map
62152 ^clear
62153 >players
62154 >warrior
62155 >vehicle
62156 >building
62157 >scenario
62158 ^clear units
62159 Civilian HQ\nThis HQ has room for up to four warriors.
62160 Save current battlefield?
62161 AI Player
62162 Click on map to place Player
62163 Score
62164 Send to
62165 Sound
62166 Total score
62167 Rank
62168 Direct Draw failed - Could not get DirectDraw2 interface.
62169 Direct Draw failed - Must run in 16-bit mode.
62170 Direct Draw Failed - Create surface.
62171 Direct Draw Failed - Create primary surface.
62172 Direct Draw Failed - Create back surface.
62173 Name
62174 Squad Car
62175 Enforcer Squad Car\n\nThis two-wheel drive squad chassis has a zero to 60 time of 5.1 seconds and a top off-road speed of 80 MPH. It can also sport a variety of turrets. A squad car can carry up to 500 kilos of add-ons.
62176 Van
62177 Van\n\nThis chassis is equipped with brush guards, off-road tires, and a turret mount. It has resonable speed and can carrying up to 950 kilos of add-ons.
62178 Rally Pickup
62179 Rally Pickup\n\nThis chassis has a good speed and acceleration rate since it is built for off-road racing. It can accommodate a turret weapon and can carry up to 800 kilos of add-ons.
62180 Wolf Bike
62181 Wolf Bike\n\nThe Wolf is built from a strong aircraft alloy frame suitable for off-road duty. The after-market lower end and carb plus numerous mods to the cams and heads gives it plenty of howl and speed. The rider carries a shotgun. The Wolf has room for 300 kilos of add-ons.
62182 ATV
62183 All Terrain Vehicle\n\nThis ATV has high speed and good acceleration. The ATV can carry up to 400 kilos of add-ons.
62184 Trailer Trash HQ\nMobilehome with room for 5 inside. Cable TV extra.
62185 Cyborg HQ\nRoom for 4 Cyborgs.
62186 Amazon HQ\nRoom for 6 amazons.
62187 Spy Satellite Uplink\nSpy sat provides a really good view of the entire map.
62188 Casino\nThis is a real money maker!
62189 Tourist Trap\nThis is a real money maker!
62190 Diner\nThis is a real money maker!
62191 Tavern\nThis is a real money maker!
62192 Motel\nThis is a real money maker!
62193 Building
62194 Gyro
62195 Gyrocopter\n\nThis very light, fast and simple aircraft is great for scouting. Fly this baby over an enemy HQ and watch them run! It has room for 300 kilos of add-ons and can be mounted with a light turret weapon.
62196 Tripod
62197 Tripod\n\nThis is a gun mount of exception stability. A universal mounting system allows it to accept any turret weighing up to 1200 kilos. Though classified as a vehicle, the tripod cannot move after being deployed.
62198 Hardpoint
62199 Hardpoint\n\nThis is a high capacity, concrete gun stand. It can withstand repeated attacks from all weapon types. The mounting system allows it to accept a wide variety of turret types, up to those massing 1200 kilos. Though classified as a vehicle, the hardpoint arrives on the battlefield in a delivery truck and cannot move after being placed.
62200 Truck
62201 Truck\n\nThis is a truck used to place buildings.
62202 Truck
62203 Truck\n\nThis is a delivery truck.
62204 Hvy MG Turret
62205 Heavy Machinegun Turret\n\nThis medium range vehicle weapon system has a full 360 degree range of motion and a high fire rate. The turret with a full ammo load of 250 rounds weighs 300 kilos.
62206 Grenade Turret
62207 Grenade Launcher Turret\n\nThis medium range vehicle weapon system launches fragmentation grenades. This turret has 360 degree range of motion and weighs 500 kilos. The launcher has a medium fire rate. The grenade magazine holds 30 rounds.
62208 Minigun Turret
62209 Minigun Turret\n\nThis medium range vehicle weapon system has a flexible reflex sighting station used for aiming. The turret weighs 450 kilos and has a high fire rate. The magazine holds 240 rounds.
62210 Missile Turret
62211 Missile Turret\n\nThis long range, high-damage vehicle weapon system carries 9 missiles, but has a low fire rate. The loaded turret weighs 700 kilos.
62212 Flamethrower Turret
62213 Flamethrower Turret\n\nThis Trailer-Trash specific short range weapon system has a full 360 degree range of motion but a low rate of fire. The flamer turret with full tanks (30 uses) weighs 550 kilos.
62214 Hvy MG
62215 Heavy Machinegun\n\nThis medium range forward-firing weapon system has a high rate of fire. The weapon with a full ammo load of 250 rounds weighs 200 kilos.
62216 AP Mine Layer
62217 Anti-Personnel Mine Layer\n\nThis vehicle weapon system places anti-personnel mines in a line behind the moving vehicle. The mine layer with 24 mines weighs 150 kilos.
62218 Sensor Turret
62219 Radar Sensor Turret\n\nA Radar Sensor Turret increases a vehicle's view range by 96 meters. It weighs 500 kilos. The sensors draw power when active.
62220 Minigun
62221 Minigun\n\nThis medium range, forward-firing vehicle weapon system has the same fire rate and rounds as the turreted version, but weighs only 300 kilos.
62222 Backup Systems
62223 Mechanical Backup Systems\n\nVehicles with mechanical backup systems have their structure (health) increased by 25 (up to a maximum of 255 structure). The system weighs 100 kilos.
62224 Bulldozer
62225 Junkyard\nThis is a real money maker!
62226 Bulldozer\n\nThis Trailer Trash specific heavy vehicle is ideal for clearing mine fields. Though it cannot accommodate turret weapons and has a low maximum speed, it can carry up to 500 kilos of other add-ons.
62227 AntiMine
62228 AV Mine Layer
62229 Anti-Vehicle Mine Layer\n\nThis vehicle weapon system places anti-vehicle mines in a line behind the vehicle. The mine layer with 10 mines weighs 300 kilos.
62230 Barrier Dropper
62231 Barrier Dropper\n\nThis vehicle weapon system drops barriers while the vehicle moves. The barriers are impassible to wheeled vehicles, other vehicles and warriors moving through barriers have their movement rates reduced. The dropper with a full 30 barriers weighs 200 kilos.
62232 Glue Dropper
62233 Glue Dropper\n\nThis vehicle weapon system drops globs of glue while the vehicle moves. Warriors and vehicles moving through glue have their movement rates reduced dramatically. The dropper with a full 30 glue packs weighs 150 kilos.
62234 Fire Dropper
62235 Fire Dropper\n\nThis vehicle weapon system drops bits of flaming debris while the vehicle moves. Warriors and vehicles moving or standing in the flames take heat damage. The dropper with a full 30 drops weighs 250 kilos.
62236 Smoke Dropper
62237 Smoke Dropper\n\nThis vehicle weapon system drops puffs of smoke while the vehicle moves. Units hidden in smoke cannot be seen. The dropper with a full 30 drops weighs 150 kilos.
62238 Disintegrator Turret
62239 Disintegrator Cannon Turret\n\nThis very powerful vehicle weapon system has a full 360 degree range of motion, but a very low fire rate. The Disintegrator turret weighs 650 kilos.
62240 Merc\nLaser Rifle
62241 Officer with Laser Rifle\n\nMercs represent the typical front-line Enforcer officers. The laser rifle they carry (medium range, medium fire rate) has a 1.5KW (1,500 power) powerpack which uses 100 power per shot. A Merc can carry up to 35 kilos of equipment.
62242 Stinger\nMissile Launcher
62243 Officer with Missile Launcher\n\nStingers represent the "long arm of the law" in any Enforcer tribe. Well-trained and in top physical condition, they delivery their death and destruction at long range (postage paid). The missile launcher they carry comes fully loaded with 6 missiles, but has a low rate of fire. A Stinger can carry up to 25 kilos of equipment.
62244 Grease Monkey\nShotgun
62245 Biker Dude with Shotgun\n\nGrease Monkeys wear no armor, carry double-barreled shotguns...and bad attitudes. The shotgun they carry (medium range, medium fire rate) comes fully loaded with 50 shells. A Grease Monkey can carry up to 40 kilos of equipment.
62246 Pyro Jack\nFlamethrower
62247 Biker Dude with Flame-thrower\n\nPyro Jacks wear no armor and carry dual-canister flamers which deliver high heat damage to target. The flamer they carry (short range, low fire rate) comes fully loaded with 18 uses. A Pyro Jack can carry up to 30 kilos of equipment.
62248 Ol' Lady\nHandgun
62249 Biker Babe with Handgun\n\nOl' Ladies wear little armor and carry handguns. The handgun (medium range, medium fire rate) comes fully loaded with 20 rounds. An Ol' Lady can carry up to 30 kilos of equipment.
62250 Frag Grenade
62251 Fragmentation Grenades\n\nA pack of 6 'Meat Grinder' grenades works great against clusters of warriors at short range. A pack weighs 6 kilos.
62252 HE Grenade
62253 High Explosive Grenades\n\nA pack of 3 'Whomper' grenades delivers high impact and explosive damage to the target and works well against buildings and vehicles at short range. A pack weighs 9 kilos.
62254 Smoke Grenade
62255 Smoke Grenades\n\nA pack of six high-density 'Where'd he go?' smoke grenades hides units inside the cloud for about a minute. A pack weighs 6 kilos.
62256 Freeze Grenade
62257 Freeze Grenades\n\nThis pack of 3 'Zero Kelvin' grenades, can cause units to be immobilized for about 30 seconds at short range. Freeze grenades are a wonderful addition to any warrior. A pack weighs 5 kilos.
62258 Growth Grenade
62259 Plant Growth Grenades\n\nThis pack of 6 'Weed Patch' grenades accelerates the growth of plants at short range. Great for making an area more difficult to move through. A pack weighs 6 kilos.
62260 Toxic Grenade
62261 Toxic Gas Grenades\n\nThis pack of 3 'Mr. Yuck' grenades kills on contact at short range and the clouds last for about 10 seconds. A pack weighs 10 kilos.
62262 Fire Grenade
62263 Fire Grenades (Molotov Cocktails)\n\nThis pack of 3 'Hot Foot' grenades offers up a firey death in every can. The flames last for about 10 seconds. A short range weapon, a pack weighs 10 kilos.
62264 Ammo
62265 Ammo\n\nAmmo packs represent reload(s) for warriors or vehicles. Ammo can be dropped so a vehicle can use it. An ammo pack weighs 10 kilos.
62266 Power Cell
62267 Power Cell\n\nEach power cell holds 1 KW (1000 units of power). Power is needed for many types of equipment, especially energy weapons like lasers. Each power cell weighs 5 kilos.
62268 Mine Detector
62269 Mine Detector and Defuser\n\nThis mine detector operates whenever the warrior stands still near a minefield. The defuser is activated with the right mouse button once mines are discovered. A mine detector weighs 10 kilos.
62270 AP Mine Kit
62271 Anti-Personnel Mine Kit\n\nThis kit allows the warrior to plant anti-personnel mines on the battlefield. The kit with 10 mines weighs 10 kilos.
62272 AV Mine Kit
62273 Anti-Vehicle Mine Kit\n\nThis kit allows the warrior to plant anti-vehicle mines on the battlefield. The kit with 3 mines weighs 20 kilos.
62274 Plasmet Armor
62275 Plasmet Armor\n\nThis composite plastic armor weighs 100 kilos and provides reasonable, all-around protection for all vehicles.
62276 Strip Armor
62277 Strip All Armor\n\nStripping all armor and extra structure from a vehicle increases its carrying capacity by 150 kilos, but makes it very vulnerable on the battlefield.
62278 Reflec Armor
62279 Reflec Armor\n\nThis reflective armor weighs 50 kilos and provides good protection against heat and radiation damage caused by energy or toxic weapons.
62280 Crysteel Armor
62281 Crysteel Armor\n\nThis crystalline steel armor weighs 250 kilos and provides good protection against impact and explosive damage caused by guns, rockets, and grenades.
62282 DiaWeave Armor
62283 DiaWeave Armor\n\nThis woven diamond-fiber armor weighs 150 kilos and provides excellent protection against all damage types, but is especially effective against impact and explosion damage.
62284 Light Suspension
62285 Light Suspension\n\nFitting a chassis with lightweight suspension saves the vehicle 100 kilos but reduces its add-on capacity by 20%. NOTE: Amazon dinosaurs cannot carry light suspension.
62286 Heavy Suspension
62287 Heavy Suspension\n\nFitting a chassis with heavy suspension increases a vehicle's mass by 150 kilos but increases the vehicle's add-on capacity by 20%.NOTE: Amazon dinosaurs cannot carry heavy suspension.
62288 Supercharger
62289 Supercharger Powerplant\n\nFitting a chassis with a supercharger powerplant increases the vehicle's acceleration but also uses power.
62290 Power Caps
62291 Power Capacitors\n\nPower capacitors increase a chassis' maximum stored power by 2.5Kw (2500), which is important for energy weapons such as lasers. Each set weighs 50 kilos.
62292 Sensors
62293 Sensors\n\nSensors extend a vehicle's sensing range by 64 meters. The sensors weigh 50 kilos.
62294 Target Computer
62295 Medical Kit
62296 Power Cells
62297 Auxilary Power Cells\n\nAuxilary power cells increase a chassis' maximum stored power by 5Kw (5000). Each set of power cells weighs 70 kilos.
62298 Weapon reloaded.
62299 Warrior healed.
62300 Vehicle repaired.
62301 Vehicle duplicated.
62302 Warrior duplicated.
62303 found.
62304 Powerpack found.
62305 installed.
62306 Unit bribed!
62307 Hazard
62308 Trigger
62309 Ammo
62310 First Aid
62311 Repair
62312 Duplicator
62313 Credits
62314 Warrior Equip.
62315 Mine
62316 Glue
62317 kill / loss
62318 warrior equipment
62319 cost
62320 Anti-Mine Vehicle\n\nThough slow, this heavily reinforced mine clearer will cut paths through the most treacherous minefields. The Anti-Mine vehicle has room for 500 kilos of add-ons but cannot mount a turret.
62321 Ore
62322 Barrier
62323 Powerpack
62324 Wall
62325 Mine\n
62326 Oil
62327 Vehicle Equip.
62328 Hauling
62329 Constructing
62330 Inferno Mine
62331 Inferno Mine\n\nThis fire-mine kit creates a large firey blast guaranteed to burn the competition. Each kit weighs 15 kilos.
62332 Nuke Mine
62333 Nuclear Mine Kit\n\nThis nuclear mine kit is an extremely nasty surprise. When detonated, this powerful and chaotic weapon spreads clouds of deadly radiation across the battlefield. It weighs 20 kilos.
62334 Floating Mine
62335 Floating Mine\n\nA floating mine is placed on the battlefield like any other mine, but when activated, launches into the air and then drifts until it either hits something or explodes automatically. A floating mine delivers good explosive damage to its target and weighs 15 kilos.
62336 Bribe
62337 Bribe Kit\n\nThis credit pack is ideal for a little dirty pool on the battlefield. If picked up by an enemy unit, and your unit is close by, the enemy will switch to your side. The bribe kit weighs 2 kilos. [See the manual for more details.]
62338 Time Bomb
62339 Time Bomb\n\nThis is a powerful demolition charge with a 20 second timer. It weighs only 15 kilos.
62340 Neutron Bomb
62341 Tactical Neutron Bomb \n\nThis neutron demolition pack has a 20 second timer, and spreads clouds of radiation across the battlefield. It weighs 25 kilos.
62342 Sensor Kit
62343 Sensor Kit\n\nA personal sensor kit increases a warrior's viewing range by 32 meters. It weighs 1 kilo.
62344 Build Kit
62345 Build Kit \n\nA build kit is a set of tools and materials for building walls and repairing buildings. It has 8 uses. The kit weighs 25 kilos.
62346 Vehicle Repair Kit
62347 Vehicle Repair Kit\n\nThis tool kit allows warriors to repair vehicles in the field. It has 10 uses and weighs 15 kilos. [See the manual for more details.]
62348 Stealth Field
62349 Personal Stealth Field\n\nThis defensive field bends light waves to render the warrior nearly invisible, and makes targeting and destroying the warrior very difficult. The stealth field weighs 20 kilos and uses power when active.
62350 Neural Enhancer
62351 Neural Enhancer\n\nAdds health and speed for a few minutes. Serious side effects occur when enhancer wears off. It has one use and weighs 1 kilo.
62352 Armor Vest
62353 Armor Vest\n\nThis is a standard armored vest worn by many warriors. It provides added protection against impact and explosive weapons and weighs 10 kilos.
62354 Duraweave Armor
62355 Duraweave Body Armor \n\nDuraweave armor provides full body protection from all types of damage and weighs 15 kilos.
62356 Dermal Armor
62357 Dermal Armor\n\nThis armor is a form-fitting, lightweight skin-tight metalic mesh. It provides added protection against all types of damage and weighs 5 kilos.
62358 Durasheath Armor
62359 Durasheath Body Armor\n\nThe Durasheath body armor greatly increases a warrior's protection from damage. It weighs 20 kilos.
62360 Stealth Field
62361 Vehicle Stealth Field\n\nThis defensive field bends light waves to render the vehicle nearly invisible, and makes targeting and destroying it very difficult. The stealth field weighs 250 kilos and uses power when active.
62362 Force Shield
62363 Vehicle Force Shield\n\nElectromagnetic shield provides great protection against impact and explosive damage. It weighs 200 kilos. Unfortunately it uses massive amounts of power when active.
62364 Dual MG Turret
62365 Dual Heavy Machinegun Turret\n\nThis vehicle weapon system (medium range, high fire rate) comes fully loaded with 125 rounds and weighs 350 kilos.
62366 MG Explosive
62367 Heavy Machinegun with Explosive Rounds\n\nThis forward-firing vehicle weapon system (medium range, high fire rate) comes fully loaded with 200 explosive rounds and weighs 250 kilos.
62368 Dual Hvy MG
62369 Dual Heavy Machinegun\n\nThis forward-firing heavy weapon system (medium range, high fire rate) comes fully loaded with 250 rounds and weighs 300 kilos.
62370 HD Minigun Turret
62371 HD Minigun Turret\n\nThis vehicle weapon system (medium range, high fire rate) fires high density rounds, and comes fully loaded with 180 rounds and weighs 500 kilos.
62372 Grenade Launcher
62373 Forward-firing Grenade Launcher \n\nThis forward-firing vehicle weapon acts the same as its turreted brother, except that it has 40 rounds and weighs 300 kilos.
62374 Missile Launcher
62375 Forward-Firing Missile Launcher\n\nThis extremely long-range vehicle weapon system delivers high impact and explosive damage to target at a low rate of fire. Fully equipped with 8 missles, it weighs 550 kilos.
62376 Flame Missile
62377 Forward-Firing Flame Missile Launcher\n\nThis long-range, low fire rate vehicle weapon system fires incendiary missiles which explode in flames on contact. Fully equipped with 6 missiles, it weighs 650 kilos.
62378 Flamethrower
62379 Forward-Firing Flamethrower\n\nThis short range, low fire rate vehicle weapon system delivers high heat damage to target. It weighs 300 kilos.
62380 Dual Flamethrower
62381 Forward-Firing Dual Flamethrower\n\nThis vehicle weapon system is merely the regular flamethrower system doubled. A short range, low fire rate weapon, it weighs 450 kilos.
62382 Flame Drum
62383 55 Gallon Drum Launcher\n\nThis Trailer-Trash specific medium range, low fire rate drum launcher is filled with fuel oil and ignites on impact, covering a large area. Fully loaded with 12 uses, the drum launcher weighs 700 kilos.
62384 Bubba\nShotgun
62385 Bubba with Shotgun\n\nBubbas are your typical pot-bellied good-ol-boys that carry a variety of medium range, medium fire rate double-barreled shotguns with about 24 shells. A Bubba can carry up to 50 kilos of equipment.
62386 Half-Pint\nAssault Rifle
62387 Girl with Assult Rifle\n\nHalf-Pints carry assault rifles and aren't afraid to use them. The assault rifle is a medium range, medium fire rate weapon equipped with 50 rounds. Half-Pints can carry up to 40 kilos of equipment.
62388 Mama's Boy\nFlamethrower
62389 Teenage Boy with Flamer\n\nMama s Boys just love fire. They carry short range, low fire rate home-made flamers usually equipped with 18 uses. A Mama's Boy can carry up to 30 kilos of equipment.
62390 Granny\nBazooka
62391 Old Lady with Bazooka\n\nGrannies are a staple in any Trail Trash tribe. Their bark is as worse as their bite, and their aim long and deadly. The bazooka is a long range, low fire rate weapon equipped with 6 missiles. A Granny can carry up to 30 kilos of equipment.
62392 Elvis\nGuitar Rifle
62393 Elvis Impersonator with Guitar Rifle\n\nThe strangest heroes in the world flock to the Trailer Trash. One of the oddest are Elvis Impersonators, whose semi-automatic rifle guitars are a threat in any firefight. Beautiful singing voice, but a tiger underneath. A Trailer Trash hero can carry up to 50 kilos of equipment.
62394 Speargun
62395 Lifeguard with speargun\n\nSurfer babe with speargun. Leathal weapon but has short range, 6 rounds. Little Armor.
62396 Machine Pistol
62397 Dude with machine pistol\n\nSurfer dude with machine pistol. Pistol has high rate of fire, 10 rounds per clip. Suntan lotion for armor.
62398 Handgun
62399 Anti-grav surfer with handgun\n\nSurfer dude packs a 9mm handgun with 12 round clip. Board hovers a few inches above surface. Little Armor.
62400 Rocket
62401 Surfer with rockets\n\nRocket launcher girl. She carries two rockets and aims to please. Little Armor.
62402 Big Kahuna
62403 Big Kahuna\n\n Surfer god. Anti-shark gun has 6 rounds. Omnipitant armor.
62404 Delivering
62405 Oil Dropper
62406 Pacer
62407 Pacer Sedan\n\nThis classic chassis is popular among Trailer Trash tribes. It can accommodate most small turrets and up to 2 passengers. The Pacer can carry up to 500 kilos of add-ons.
62408 Motorhome
62409 Motorhome\n\nWhat Trailer Trash tribe can live without an RV, fully loaded with AC. This sturdy chassis can accommodate all turrets and sleeps 8 comfortably. The RV can carry up to 700 kilos of add-ons.
62410 Monster Truck
62411 Monster Truck\n\nThis powerful Trailer Trash hero truck is an excellent off-road chassis with cantilever-based suspension. It can accommodate all turret sizes and one passenger. The hero monster truck can carry up to 900 kilos of add-ons.
62412 1956 VW Van
62413 1956 Kombi Split-window Van\n\n1600cc single port engine. Sunroof has been replaced with turret mount. No door windows. Ray, the surfer dude, says it's real cool
62414 Dune buggy
62415 Dune Buggy\n\n135 Aluminum frame. Powered by a 1989 2700cc Acura engine, High Perf. rods, pistons and crank. Twin turbos. Auto leveling turret mount.
62416 Conversion Van
62417 Chevy Conversion Van\n\nSmall block chevy engine, with hot cams and pistons. 12 inch clearance for off road travel. Turret mount. Hauls 6. Heavy steel plate armor.
62418 Armored Car
62419 Armored Car\n\nThis armored chassis is fitted with a modified on- and off-road suspension. Its body is reinforced with one-inch steel plate armor which makes it a difficult vehicle to knock out. It can accommodate most turrets. The armored car can carry up 900 kilos of add-ons.
62420 Sedan\n\nThis 4-door sedan, made in good 'old' USA, is still a favorite general chassis employed by many tribes. It's large enough to fit a turret yet fast enough (on- and off-road) to get to where the action is. The sedan can carry up to 700 kilos of add-ons.
62421 Sedan
62422 Assault Van
62423 Assault Van with Six Wheels\n\nAn Enforcer Captain is really in his element behind the six wheels of his van. Turret-mounted, swift and deadly under any condition, this armored van has room for 800 kilos of add-ons.
62424 Tank
62425 Tank\n\nThis tank is a turret mount vehicle that can take a punch and keep going. Though very slow, it can carry up to 1,000 kilos of add-ons.
62426 Bipedal Walker
62427 Bipedal Walker\n\nThe bipedal walker can accommodate most smaller turrets and its light-weight body construction makes it a swift and competent hit-and-run unit. It can carry up to 450 kilos of add-ons.
62428 Ant Walker
62429 Six-legged Walker\n\nThe six-legged Cyborg walker (commonly called the Ant) is always driven by a Cyborg hero. The Ant has a turret mount and can carry up to 1,000 kilos of add-ons.
62430 Sidecar
62431 Bike with Sidecar\n\nThis is a high speed on- and off-road motorcycle equipped with a sidecar. The sidecar passenger fires forward-mounted machinguns. It has room for 400 kilos of additional non-turreted weapons and add-ons.
62432 Trike
62433 Trike\n\nThe Trike has an integrated turret mount which can carry most light turrets. Its powerful V8 engine gives it excellent speed. The Trike has room for 450 kilos of add-ons.
62434 Triker Boss
62435 Triker Boss\n\nA Triker Boss is every bit as strong as a regular Boss, but stronger. His trike's V-8 engine makes it one of the fastest vehicles in the field. The trike can carry up to 450 kilos of add-ons.
62436 VW Bug
62437 VW Bug\n\nThis chassis can carry up to 2 passengers. It can accommodate smaller turrets and carry up to 400 kilos of add-ons.
62438 Semi Cab
62439 Semi-Cab\n\nThis chassis can carry 1 passenger. It can accommodate a turret and can carry up to 800 kilos of add-ons.
62440 Luxury Car
62441 Luxury Car\n\nThis chassis can carry 3 passengers. It can accommodate a turret and can carry up to 750 kilos of add-ons.
62442 Hearse
62443 Hearse\n\nA Death Cultist hero is not content with driving your typical chassis. He (or she) believes that image is everything. A Hero hearse can accommodate a turret, can carry up to 750 kilos of add-ons...and 4 live bodies.
62444 Toxic Gas Dropper
62445 Toxic Gas Dropper\n\nNothing perks up a battle like a little toxic gas. This rear facing vehicle weapon delivers devastating toxic waste as the vehicle moves. It weighs 200 kilos.
62446 Catapult
62447 Fire Catapult\n\nThis forward-firing, medium range catapult launches fireballs at a low rate of fire. When fully loaded, it contains 18 uses and weighs 750 kilos.
62448 Crossbow Turret
62449 Crossbow Turret\n\nThe crossbow turret is a powerful, long-range weapon with a low rate of fire. It weighs 600 kilos.
62450 Seeker Missile
62451 Seeker Missile\n\nThis long range missile rack is a forward-firing anti-aircraft weapon, designed to take out those pesky gyros and dinos. Though it has a very low fire rate, a fully loaded Seeker Missile pack has 5 salvos of 3 guided missiles and weighs 550 kilos.
62452 Seeker Turret
62453 Seeker Turret\n\nThis long range turreted missile rack is an anti-aircraft weapon, designed to take out those pesky gyros and dinos. Though it has a very low fire rate, a Seeker Missile turret pack has 6 salvos of 3 guided missiles and weighs 750 kilos.
62454 Laser Turret
62455 Medium Laser Turret\n\nThis medium laser turret is a long range weapon system (low fire rate). Each use drains 250 power (Kw) from the vehicle's power supply. It weighs 400 kilos.
62456 Hvy Laser Turret
62457 Heavy Laser Turret\n\nThis heavy laser turret (low fire rate) is nearly twice as powerful as the medium laser turret. Each use drains 500 power (Kw) from the vehicle's power supply. It weighs 500 kilos.
62458 Laser Turret
62459 Medium Laser Turret\n\nThis Cyborg medium laser turret is an improved version of the medium laser, packing both a longer firing range and stronger piercing power. Unfortunately, it also has a lower fire rate and drains 300 power (Kw) from the vehicle's power supply per use. It weighs 400 kilos.
62460 Toxic Gas Turret
62461 Hvy Laser Turret
62462 Heavy Laser Turret\n\nThis Cyborg heavy laser turret is an improved version of the heavy laser, packing both a longer firing range and stronger piercing power. Unfortunately, it also has a lower fire rate and drains 600 power (Kw) from the vehicle's power supply per use. It weighs 500 kilos.
62463 Recon\nLaser Pistol
62464 Female Officer with Laser Pistol\n\nThough capable of holding their own in intense firefights, Recons are best suited to roam the battlefields searching enemy movements and positions. The laser pistol they carry (medium range, medium fire rate) has a 1.5KW (1,500 power) powerpack which uses 50 power per shot. A Recon can carry up to 25 kilos of equipment.
62465 Trooper\nLaser Pistol
62466 Officer with Anti-Grav\n\nTroopers are equipted with a anti-gravity backpack, which allows them to move over water. The laser pistol they carry (medium range, medium fire rate) has a 1.5KW (1,500 power) powerpack which uses 50 power per shot. A Trooper can carry up to 30 kilos of equipment.
62467 Shocker\nStun Cannon
62468 Female Officer with Stun Cannon\n\nA Shocker's stun cannon is a weapon of great power. Shockers stun their targets, allowing other Enforcers to close in and "cleanse". The cannon they carry (medium range, low fire rate) has a 1.5KW (1,500 power) powerpack which uses 75 power per shot. A Shocker can carry up to 20 kilos of equipment.
62469 Captain\nDisintegrator Rifle
62470 Captain with Disintegrator Rifle\n\nCaptains are the most powerful of all Enforcers, wielding their might at the end of their bone-crushing, flesh shattering disintegrator rifles. The rifle they carry (medium range, low fire rate) has a 5KW power pack, which uses 250 power per shot. A Captain can carry up to 55 kilos of equipment.
62471 Bad Girl\nSubmachinegun
62472 Biker Chick with Submachinegun\n\nBad Girls carry one of several popular submachinguns, like Uzis (medium range, high fire rate), and about 50 rounds of ammo. A Bad Girl can carry up to 30 kilos of equipment.
62473 Sonic-9 Cycle
62474 Recumbent Motorcycle\n\nThe Sonic-9 is a high speed "enclosed" motorcycle capable of sporting a variety of turrets. The Sonic-9 is one of the fastest bikes in the field and has room for 400 kilos of add-ons.
62475 Boss\nTwo Shotguns
62476 Boss with Two Shotguns\n\nA Boss is a very powerful biker, hefting two shotguns (medium range, medium fire rate) of 24 rounds each. He can carry up to 60 kilos of equipment.
62477 Steel Madonna\nEnergy sword
62478 Fembot with Energy Sword\n\nSteel Madonnas are the close assault combat units in Cyborg tribes. Their Tesla Energy sword is perhaps the strongest close combat weapon on the market. A Steel Madonna can carry up to 50 kilos of equipment.
62479 Gunner\nMachinegun Arm
62480 Gunner\n\nGunners are powerful Cyborg warriors and their deadly machinegun arms (a medium range, high fire rate weapon with 50 rounds) round out any Cyborg assault. A Gunner can carry up to 50 kilos of equipment.
62481 Cyber Punk\nAuto-gun
62482 Cyborg with Auto-Gun\n\nCyber Punks are powerful shock units which heft enormous firepower. Their large bore auto-guns (medium range, medium fire rate) strike fear in the hearts of even the stoutest heroes of the battlefield. A Cyber Punk can carry up to 40 kilos of equipment.
62483 Terminus-9\nFusion Cannon
62484 Cyborg with Fusion Cannon\n\nTerminus-9s are big beef and steel types, and offer any Cyborg tribe a distinct edge in combat. The fusion cannon they carry (medium range, medium fire rate) drains 100 power (Kw) per use. A Terminus-9 can carry up to 40 kilos of equipment.
62485 Lieutenant\nDual Miniguns
62486 Lieutenant with Dual Miniguns\n\nCyborg heroes are usually ex-lieutenants which have refitted their arms with powerful miniguns (medium range, high fire rate with 50 shots). A Lieutenant can carry up to 60 kilos of equipment.
62487 Raptor Rider
62488 Raptor Rider with Crossbow\n\nThe raptor rider is a standard cavalry unit in Amazon tribes. The warrior carries a crossbow, a long range low fire rate weapon. A Raptor Rider can carry up to 300 kilos of add-ons.
62489 Trikos
62490 Triceratops\n\nThe Triceratops (or Trikos) are Amazon tanks. This huge, turret-capable dino is deadly on a stampede. A Triko can carry up to 850 kilos of add-ons.
62491 Dactyl Rider
62492 Dactyl Rider\n\nDactyl Riders are the terror of the sky. These beasts are fast and carry under-slung turret mounts. A Dactyl Rider can carry up to 350 kilos of add-ons.
62493 Dino Queen
62494 Queen Mounted on Dino\n\nMany Amazon Queens prefer to battle atop their personal beasts. Turret capable, a Queen's dino can carry up to 900 kilos of add-ons.
62495 Ball Buster\nCrossbow
62496 Amazon with Crossbow\n\nBall Busters represent the basic front line warriors in Amazon tribes. The crossbow is a long range, low fire rate weapon. A Ball Buster can carry up to 30 kilos of equipment.
62497 Humiliator\nSword
62498 Amazon with Sword\n\nHumiliators take their brand of punishment straight to their enemies. The sword (short range, low fire rate) can cut through flesh and bone equally. A Humiliator can carry up to 30 kilos of equipment.
62499 Liberator\nCompound Bow
62500 Amazon with Compound Bow\n\nLiberators are light warriors that stand back and let fly arrows of flame. The compound bow is a long range, low fire rate weapon equiped with 24 arrows. A Liberator can carry up to 30 kilos of equipment.
62501 Justifier\nCrystal Staff
62502 Amazon with Crystal Staff\n\nJuistifiers are among the elite of Amazon tribes. The crystal staff fires powerful short range, low fire rate bolts of power, and can be fired 30 times. A Justifier can carry 30 kilos of equipment.
62503 Queen\nSeeker Arrows
62504 Amazon Queen with Seeker Arrows\n\nAmazon Queens are the strongest Amazon warriors in the world. Their crossbows fire exploding tip arrows at long range. An Amazon Hero can carry up to 50 kilos of equipment.
62505 Ripper\nPower Saw
62506 Death Cultist with Power Saw\n\nRippers are close combat units employed by many Death Cultist tribes. Their 18-inch circular saws are a terror to behold on the battlefield. A Ripper can carry up to 30 kilos of equipment.
62507 Splatter Punk\nMachinegun
62508 Death Cultist with Machinegun\n\nSplatter Punks wield their heat like crazed demons, mowing down infidels wherever they're found. The machingun is a medium range, high fire rate weapon fully equipped with 50 rounds. A Splatter Punk can carry up to 30 kilos of equipment.
62509 Flame Master\nFlamethrower
62510 Death Cultist with Flamethrower\n\nFlame Masters believe that the Earth is destined to meet a fiery end...and they are doing their part to see it happen. The flamethrower is a short range, low fire rate weapon. A Flame Master can carry up to 25 kilos of equipment.
62511 Doombringer\nAuto-gun
62512 Death Cultist with Auto-gun\n\nDoombringers have taken a page from the Cyborg's manual, wielding large bore auto-guns (medium range, medium fire rate, 40 rounds) of their own. Though lacking the staying power of their Cyborg equivalents, Doombringers are still a deadly force. A Doombringer can carry up to 20 kilos of equipment.
62513 Hell Sender\nMissile Launcher
62514 Death Cultist with Missile Launcher\n\nHell Senders stand back and launch devastating volleys against enemy positions. The missile launcher is a long range, low fire rate weapon equiped with 4 salvos of 2 missiles. A Hell Sender can carry up to 20 kilos of equipment.
62515 Death Master\nGrenade Launcher
62516 Death Cultist Hero with Grenade Launcher\n\nDeath Masters are the meanest people in the world, hefting huge grenade launchers (medum range, medium fire rate). A Master can carry up to 50 kilos of equipment.
62517 Toxic Gas Turret\n\nThis Death Cult specific, short range weapon system has a full 360 degree range of motion but a low rate of fire. The gas turret with full tanks (30 uses) weighs 650 kilos.
62518 Gas Master\nToxic Sprayer
62519 Death Cultist with Toxic Gas Sprayer\n\nGas Masters believe that the Earth is destined to meet a smelly end...and they are doing their part to see it happen. The gas sprayer is a short range, low fire rate weapon. A Gas Master can carry up to 25 kilos of equipment.
62520 Oil Dropper\n\nThis vehicle weapon system drops globs of oil while the vehicle moves. Warriors and vehicles moving through oil have their movement rates reduced dramatically. The dropper with a full 30 gallons of oil weighs 200 kilos.
62521 Net
62522 Net\n\nThis weapon can be thrown a short distance and captures and immobilizes a target for a short time. A full kit has 5 nets and weighs 5 kilos.
62523 Auto heal
62524 Auto Heal\n\nThis medical pack is wired into a warrior's body, and automatically activates and medicates when its owner is near death. It weighs 10 kilos.
62525 Persuasion
62526 Persuasion\n\nThis mental ability causes enemy warriors of the same sex as the persuader to switch sides when touched. This mental ability places 2 kilos of extra burden on the user.
62527 Personal shield
62528 Personal Shield\n\nThis personal shield covers the warrior in a cozy cocoon of protection. It greatly increases a warrior's defenses but when activated, uses a lot of energy. It weighs 20 kilos.
62529 Tiger root
62530 Tiger Root\n\nAmazons are famous for their personal health drugs and rejuvenating teas. Tiger Root is the most popular, as it improves overall health. A pack of Tiger Root weighs 1 kilo.
62531 Dinoskin Talisman
62532 Dinoskin Talisman\n\nThe Dinoskin Talisman is worn by many Amazons to increase their defenses through shear mental willpower. It weighs 1 kilo.
62533 Assault Van
62534 Armored Assault Van\n\nThis three-ton armored assault van can accommodate light, medium, and heavy turrets and has a decent acceleration rate. The assault van has room for 900 kilos of add-ons.
62535 Boom Chick\nBazooka
62536 Biker Chick with Bazooka\n\nBoom Chicks heft an assortment of make-shift, long range bazookas and rocket launchers with a low fire rate. A Boom Chick wears no armor and can carry up to 20 kilos of equipment.
62537 Anti-Toxin
62538 Anti-Toxin Kit\n\nThis single use anti-toxin kit provides good protection against toxic gas. When activated, the antidote lasts for about 5 minutes of game time. The kit weighs 2 kilos.
62539 Ghostwalk Amulet
62540 Ghostwalk Amulet\n\nThe Amazon's best kept secret is the Ghostwalk Amulet. As long as the Amazon using the amulet does not attack, they are completely invisible. It weighs 1 kilo.
62541 Ally
62542 Are you sure you wish to lock this battlefield?
62543 Ammo\n\nAmmo packs represent reload(s) for weapon installed on the vehicle. An ammo pack weighs 100 kilos.
62544 Unit captured!
62600 Hothead\nShotgun
62601 Hothead\n\nHotheads carry shotguns (medium fire rate, medium range) and can carry up to 30 kilos of equipment.
62602 Crackshot\nHandgun
62603 Crackshot\n\nCrackshots carry handguns (medium fire rate, medium range) and can carry up to 20 kilos of equipment.
62604 Survivalist\nSMG
62605 Survivalist\n\nSurvivalists carry submachineguns (high fire rate, medium range) and can carry up to 20 kilos of equipment.
62606 Logger\nChainsaw
62607 Logger\n\nLoggers carry high powered close assault chainsaws and can carry up to 30 kilos of equipment.
62608 Lobyist\nBribe
62609 Lobyist\n\nMan armed with bribe.
62610 Luther\nDual SMG
62611 Luther\n\nThis hero carries two submachinguns (high fire rate, medium range) and can carry up to 55 kilos of equipment.
62612 Valeria\nDual Flamers
62613 Valeria\n\nThis female hero carries dual flamer cannisters (low fire rate, short range) and can carry up to 45 kilos of equipment.
62614 Clint\nDual 9mm
62615 Clint\n\nThis civilian hero carries dual 9mm handguns (medium fire rate, medium range) and can carry up to 55 kilos of equipment.
62616 Umma\nMissile Launcher
62617 Umma\n\nThis female hero carries a bazooka (low fire rate, long range) and can carry up to 45 kilos of equipment.
62618 Generic Guy
62619 Generic Guy\n\n For art testing purposes only.
62620 Medical Kit\n\nA medical kit allows a warrior to heal another warrior by selecting the warrior with the kit then right-clicking on an injured warrior. A medical kit weighs 5 kilos.
62621 Shotgun Turret
62622 Shotgun Turret\n\nThis vehicle turret weapon fires several projectiles at once. A fully loaded system has 30 shells and weighs 500 kilos.
62623 Fire Missile Turret
62624 Fire Missile Turret\n\nThis long range, low fire rate vehicle weapon system fires incendiary missiles which explode into flames on contact. It weighs 850 kilos.
62625 50mm Gun Turret
62626 50mm Gun Turret\n\nThis long range, low fire rate vehicle weapon system delivers light impact and explosive damage to target and is fully loaded with 50 rounds. It weighs 600 kilos.
62627 75mm Gun Turret
62628 75mm Gun Turret\n\nThis very long range, low fire rate vehicle weapon system delivers moderate impact and explosive damage to target and is fully loaded with 40 rounds. It weighs 700 kilos.
62629 125mm Howitzer
62630 125mm Howitzer Gun Turret\n\nThis very long-range, low fire rate vehicle weapon system delivers high impact and explosive damage to target and is fully equipped with 60 rounds. It weighs 1,000 kilos.
62631 News From The Front!!\n Your warriors have found a hidden cache of ammo in this zone, and have moved the crates to our basecamp. \nLock and load!
62632 News From The Front!!\n Your warriors have found some strange devices in this zone, some odd and peculiar weapons and equipment that will help you in your quest for domination! \nThese devices are located around your basecamp.
62633 News From The Front!!\nYour warriors have found some crates of gold in this zone, and have moved them to your basecamp.\nCollect them increase your credit base.
62634 Reinforcements arrive!\nMercenaries offers to join your forces in this zone.\n%d %s will join for %d credits. Do you accept?
62635 WARNING!\nTerrorists have placed mines around your basecamp in this zone. Be cautious! Death awaits at every step!
62636 News From The Front!!\nYour warriors have found some power packs in this zone, and have moved the to your basecamp!
62637 News From The Front!!\nYour warriors have found some warrior equipment crates in this zone, and have moved them to your basecamp!
62638 News From The Front!!\nYour warriors have found some vehicle equipment crates in this zone, and have moved them to your basecamp!
62639 News From The Front!!\nYour warriors have discovered the technology necessary to manufacture this item: %s.
62640 Help is Here!!\nA hero has appeared in this zone and offers to join your forces.\n%s will join for %d credits. Do you accept?
62641 News From The Front!!\nYour warriors have found some first aid kits in this zone, and have moved them to your basecamp! Now heal those warriors!
62642 News From The Front!!\nYour warriors have found some repair kits in this zone, and have moved them to your basecamp!\nNow get those damaged vehicles repaired!
62643 Desert
62644 Urban
62645 Wasteland
62646 Grassland
62647 Exploda-Pig
62648 Wilbur the Exploding Pig\n\nWilbur has been painstakingly trained to run up to enemies, dodging gunfire and explode on command.
62651 Cannot move to this spot.
62652 Well done! You have successfully defended this zone!